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Document Printing & Copying

Make your customers feel valued keep them and coming back.

Consumers are far more likely to navigate towards a business or shop if they have a loyalty card. A plastic loyalty card helps to motivate your customers to return to your business instead of to the shop next door.

The Wimbledon Business Studio can print branded plastic loyalty cards, as well as smaller key ring cards that will make things even more convenient for your clients. We can also pair the key tag with a plastic loyalty card in a snap-off combi card.

a pile of documents


Our in-house graphic design team is here to help with all your graphic design needs, be it page layout for a catalogue or an eye catching one-off design for a leaflet, poster or banner. Graphic design briefing is one of those things best done face to face so why not book a meeting with one of our design team, we’ll get an understanding of your requirements and provide you with an estimate.

Creating your own design? Is your artwork print ready? Have you got bleed? Is it CMYK? Confused? Download our handy artwork guide to help you out.

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